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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Scouting for Veggies!

WOAH! This past week was a whirlwind of adventure and advegture and I am exhausted! I spent the week as an adult volunteer at the Girl Scout camp I have attended since I was nine years old! It was a great tenth year of camp, although it wasn't what I was expecting. Goombah and I knew all year we would be returning to the camp we love as adults, but we had no idea we would be the leaders of the boys dragged to camp. I was nervous. In total, Goombah and I were in charge of around 20 boys twelve and under throughout the week. Surprisingly, the week ended up being (mostly) fun and made me want to return again next year. I definitely need a year to recoup from the week though. After a day of camp in the middle of a heat wave, I spent the night either at work(At the Waukesha Public Library) or in class(College Algebra at UWW.). By Friday my only energy source left was the caffeine rushing through my system. 

Luckily, I thought ahead and spent Sunday preparing two delicious veggie lunch options. At work the previous week, I ventured into the vegetarian cookbook section and picked up Better Than Peanut Butter & Jelly by Marry Mattare & Wendy Muldawer that had great veggilicious lunch ideas for kids! I picked out Veggie Salad and Where's the Tuna? Salad. I will be posting Where's the Tuna? Salad once I remake it, it was good, but it needs something else before I share it with the world!

Veggie Salad
(Serves 6)

1/2 red pepper-diced
1/2 green pepper-diced
1/2 onion-diced
1 cup broccoli in small florets
2 carrots-diced
1 tomato-diced
6 mushrooms-chopped
1/8 cup fresh cilantro
1/4 cup fresh parsley
1 can chickpeas- drained and rinsed
8 oz cooked macaroni (I used rotini)
1 tbls vinegar
3 tlbs low-fat plain yogurt (I used sour cream)
pepper to taste

Do'in It:
1. Combine all the veggies, herbs, chickpeas, and cooked pasta.
2. Drizzle oil and vinegar over ingredients. mix well.
3. Plop sour cream or yogurt and mix well again. (You can also put cottage cheese through the food processor and use that in stead of yogurt)
4. Add pepper to taste.
5. Refrigerate.
6. Pack in your lunch, or your veggie loving child's lunch.
7. Eat it at lunch. Love it. Refuse to share.

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